Help Us Help Veterans

Why are Veterans always lost in the shuffle?

We pay our taxes, plenty of them. We donate to charitable organizations. We contribute to the collection plate at church, many tithe. 

Still, those who should be first in line, our Veterans, are last in line to receive the benefits they earned when they went in harm's way to defend us and our homes.

Where's the VA?

Where's United Way?

Where are all the others calling for a hand out?

We are Veterans of Foreign Wars

We are  helping veterans and their families in need. Unburdened by miles of bureaucratic Red Tape, we are agile. 

With no rent or salaries to pay, almost all of what you donate reaches those in need.

We are dedicated to helping our brothers and sisters-in-arms who served honorably, and their families in our community.

Would you buy a Veteran a cup of coffee each month? With just that much money, we can help the Veterans in need in our community.

Buy Me a Coffee at